The location of the templeLocation Sukuh located at the foot of Mount Lawu slope at an altitude of approximately 1,186 meters above sea level at coordinates 07o37, 38 '85' 'South latitude and 111o07 ,. 52'65 '' West Longitude. The temple is situated in Hamlet Sukuh, Berjo Village, District Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Central Java. The temple is located approximately 20 kilometers from the town of Karanganyar and 36 kilometers from Surakarta.The structure of the temple
Plan Sukuh.Sukuh building gives the impression of simplicity is striking at the visitors. The impression one gets from this temple is quite different to that obtained from a large temples in Central Java: the Borobudur and Prambanan. Building form Sukuh tend to be similar to the Maya cultural heritage in Mexico or the Inca cultural relics in Peru. This structure also remind visitors of the forms of the pyramids in Egypt.The impression simplicity attracts renowned archaeologist Netherlands, WF Stutterheim, in 1930. He tried to explain it by giving three arguments. First, the possibility of sculptor Sukuh but not a bricklayer carpenter from the village and not from the palace. Secondly, temples made with somewhat hastily so that less tidy. Third, the political situation at that time with before the fall of Majapahit, not possible to create a large and magnificent temples.The visitors entering the main door and entered the gate will see the most distinctive architectural form that is not arranged perpendicular but somewhat oblique, trapezoidal in shape with a roof on it.Rocks in this temple slightly reddish color, because the stones used is the type of andesite ..The first terrace of the temple
The main gate Sukuh.On the first terrace there is the main gate. At this gate there is a sengkala Memet in the Java language that reads blind gate Aban wong ("giant archway human prey"), each of which has a meaning 9, 5, 3, and 1. If reversed it obtained in 1359 (Saka) ( 1437 AD). This year's figures are often regarded as the foundation of this temple, although more likely is the year of completion built this gate. On the other side there is also a tangible relief Memet sengkala elephant turbaned biting snakes. It is considered to symbolize the sound of blind anahut tail gate ("giant arch bite tail"), which can also be interpreted as a Saka 1359.
Relief sengkala at gate•
The first panel.
The second panel.
The third panel.
The fourth panel
Statues of the Garuda
Inscription Sukuh.Then on the right side there are two statues of Garuda which is part of the quest story Tirta Amrita (water of life) contained in the book Adiparwa, the first book of the Mahabharata. At the tail of the Garuda there is an inscription (writing inlay) reads lawase Rajeg wesi duk pinerp kapeteg dene ki wong medang hempu rama karubuh alabuh geni harbut earth kacaritane babajang mara let Setra Hanang pliers bango by reading Darmosoetopo (1984). In essence, this inscription is suryasengkala symbolizing the year 1363 Saka (1441 AD) [1].Then, as part of the Amrita quest story in this section there are three statues of turtles that symbolizes the earth and the incarnation of the god Vishnu. Turtle shape resembles a table and there is a possibility it is designed as a place to put offerings. A truncated pyramid whose top symbolizes the peak of Mount Mandaragiri taken for churning the ocean looking for Tirta Amrita.See story Sea Looking playback AmertaSeveral other buildings and statuesIn addition to the main temples and statues of turtles, eagle and reliefs, they also found some animal-shaped sculptures wild boar (wild boar) and saddled elephants. In ancient times the knights and nobility berwahana elephant.Then there were the building berelief horseshoe with two human figures in it, on the left and right are facing each other. Some argue that this relief symbolizes the womb of a woman and left symbolize evil figure and the figure of the right represents virtue. But it is not so clear.Then there was a small building in front of the main temple, called temple pewara. In the center, the building is hollow and there is a small statue without head. This sculpture by some circles still is sacred because it is often given offerings
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